
The conference participants will have an opportunity to publish their manuscripts. The journals and requirements are listed below.

Invitation from FAGOPYRUM journal

Participants of the 15th Buckwheat Symposium are welcome to submit their presentations in a written form to FAGOPYRUM journal. We expect papers mainly on buckwheat genetics, plant breeding, buckwheat physiology, ecology, cultivation techniques and related. Papers will be published in the on-line journal FAGOPYRUM.

The papers will be published as open access publications, which means that they will be accessible to any readers anywhere in the world. It is no charge for editing and publishing the
papers. Papers are available as open access.

There will be two issues. First issue 40 (1) 2023/1, will be published on-line just prior to the 15th Buckwheat Symposium sessions, i.e. latest in the end of June 2023. The deadline for receiving the manuscripts for this issue is April 30, 2023.

The second issue 40 (2) 2023/2, is expected to be published on-line by October 5, 2023. The deadline for receiving the manuscripts for this issue is July 30, 2023.

Manuscript should be written in standard English and submitted to the Editorial office as a word (.doc) document. Figures (photographs) should be IN SEPARATE FILE each in jpg or other original file, not imbedded in word .doc document or in PDF. Submission shall be sent to the email After reviewing by two reviewers and accepting the paper, the editorial office will ask the authors to provide the original figures if the first submission will not be adequate. Your manuscript should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief (Prof. Ivan Kreft). E-mail:

Complete recent issues of FAGOPYRUM journal are available on web page: on »Preberi več«)

Separate papers (PDFs) of recent issues of FAGOPYRUM journal are available on web page: »archives« on the same web page (

Manuscripts should be typed in one column (we will transfer later the text to two columns). All pages, including the tables, legends and references, should be numbered consecutively. The manuscript should be arranged in the following order, or other suitable similar order:

1. Title page (page 1)

– Title (the title should be as short as possible, but should contain adequate information to
indicate the contents)
– Author´s full name(s)
– Affilation(s)/Adress(es), including e-mail addresses of all authors (coauthors).

2. Key words/Running head (not to exceed 50 letters including spaces) (page 2)

– Key words (maximum of 8, in alphabetical order, suitable for indexing)

3. Abstract (brief and informative, not to exceed 250 words).

4. Main text

– Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion
– The relative importance of headings and subheadings should be clear.

5. The approximate location of figures and tables could be indicated in the margin or in the text.

– The use of footnotes is to be avoided.

6. After the main text

– Acknowledgements (also grants, support etc., if any) should follow the text and precede
the references.

7. References
Abstract in Slovenian will be for foreign authors made by the editors.

Review papers are welcome, main text has to be organised according to authors’ suggestion.
The literature references should be arranged alphabetically, in the text referred to as: author and year of publication, e.g., Budagovskaya (1998), (Inoue et al. 1998).
Detailed instructions for authors are available in FAGOPYRUM Volume 36(2), June 2019.
(, Fagopyrum, »Preberi več«).

We encourage you to share these links with your colleagues.