Welcome to the 15 th International Symposium on Buckwheat
„Buckwheat for health”
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation- State Research Institute
Pulawy, Poland
July 2nd – July 8th , 2023
The 15th International Symposium on Buckwheat „Buckwheat for health” will be held under auspices of the International Buckwheat Research Association (IBRA) and organized by Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute (IUNG-BIP, Pulawy, Poland), University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (UWM, Olsztyn, Poland), and Poznan University of Life Sciences (UP Poznan, Poland).
The aim of the Symposium on Buckwheat is to exchange ideas, problems and solutions on various aspects of buckwheat. The symposium invites buckwheat researchers, students involved in buckwheat research, growers, seed farmers, processors, commercial producers of buckwheat and buckwheat family of products, nutrition specialists, as well as all those who are interested in buckwheat as a valuable food crop.
Participants of the Symposium will see buckwheat experimental fields and buckwheat products. Every participant will have an opportunity to present the results of his/her work, get acquainted with contemporary level of research on buckwheat, and exchange research information on buckwheat with colleagues.
The final program and content of different sessions will be announced shortly before the conference starting date. The organizers reserve the right to implement last minute changes to the program.
The conference will be held in traditional, in-person format, however if demand for online participation is shown, we are ready to accommodate that as well. Official language of the Symposium will be English.
Organizations and partner information
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation- State Research Institute, Pulawy, Poland
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute (IUNG-BIP, Pulawy, Poland)

Poznan University of Life Sciences (UP Poznan, Poland)

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (UWM, Olsztyn, Poland),

Małopolska Plant Breeding

The Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation
The Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (IUNG) was founded in 1950. A tradition of agricultural research in Pulawy, however, goes back to the year 1862, when the Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture and Forestry was here established. IUNG is also the heir to the State Research Institute of Rural Husbandry (PINGW) that was seated in Puławy in the years 1917-1950.The Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation- State Research Institute is the largest and oldest research-development centre in Poland, conducting agricultural studies under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The broad range of activities comprises crop production, soil science and fertilization, as well as recognition and protection of agricultural areas against various forms of degradation also reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Institute has a modern laboratory base, enriched with the Innovative and Scientific Center for Agricultural Research, which was put into operation in 2015, in which all laboratories and modern apparatus are grouped. It is authorized to evaluate and provide opinions on all fertilizers and fertilizing substances placed on the market. Research works are carried out in 11 research departments and 10 Agricultural Experimental Stations located in various regions of Poland. They conduct agricultural production in various climatic and soil conditions as well as organizational and economic conditions. They are also centers implementing in practice modern organizational and technological solutions offered by science.
The headquarters of the Institute is located in the building of the former Czartoryski Palace, in which also stationed museum. The palace is surrounded by a 30-hectare park established in the 18th century, and since the 19th century it has functioned as an English-style park. In the park there is the Temple of the Sibyl and the Gothic House, where Princess Izabela Czartoryska established the first national museum in Poland.
The aim of the Symposium on Buckwheat is to exchange ideas, problems and solutions on various aspects of buckwheat. The symposium invites buckwheat researchers, students involved in buckwheat research, growers, seed farmers, processors, commercial producers of buckwheat and buckwheat family of products, nutrition specialists, as well as all those who are interested in buckwheat as a valuable food crop.
Participants of the Symposium will see buckwheat experimental fields and buckwheat products. Every participant will have an opportunity to present the results of his/her work, get acquainted with contemporary level of research on buckwheat, and exchange research information on buckwheat with colleagues.
The final program and content of different sessions will be announced shortly before the conference start date. The organizers reserve the right to implement last minute changes to the program.
The traditional form of the conference is planned but we are prepared to host a hybrid conference. The format of the conference will depend on the COVID-19 pandemic situation around the world. Official language of the Symposium will be English.

The Poznań University of Life Sciences
The Poznań University of Life Sciences takes a leading position in rankings of universities of life sciences and biological sciences in Poland. At present we have almost 8 000 students, and 1 400 employees. Our six Faculties offer a wide scope of education within a lot of interesting fields of study, including Biology, Biotechnology, Landscape Architecture, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Wood technology, Environmental Protection, Animal Science, Food Technology, etc.
We provide education within a 3-level system: I) studies for the degree of Engineer or undergraduate (bachelor) studies, II) graduate studies ending with a Master’s degree, and III) doctoral studies (PhD). All the faculties have an extensive offer of postgraduate studies.
University’s proposal includes participation in the faculty and structures of the Students’ Government, as well as youth organisations, work in scientific associations and promotion of personal development through realisation of cultural, tourism and sports interests in different groups and teams.
A comprehensive approach to education is reflected in University’s care for a high level of specialisation in scientific disciplines. Guidelines and support on the part of businessmen, entrepreneurs and representatives of the local government help the University to adapt its curricula to the requirements of the market, as well as strengthen its position among other universities.
Prestige, experience, modernity- The Poznań University of Life Sciences is a university which moves with the times, which domain is development, education, advances in science and technical progress. University is called a “green” university, close to nature, ecology and environmental management. Its prestige stems from its traditions, scientific achievements of its academic staff and attractive curricula. The thriving and dynamic activity of the University staff considerably contributes to the development of the Wielkopolska region, Poland and the European Union.
The scientific potential of the University is connected with its staff of over 800 academic teachers, including 135 employees with the scientific title of professors. All the Faculties are entitled to confer doctoral degrees, and seven of them may confer post-doctoral degrees, while the Faculty of Agronomy and Bioengineering has both these authorities in two disciplines.
Diverse and modern infrastructure in the form of lecture halls, laboratories and workrooms is used for teaching, as well as scientific and research purposes. The University has rich library collections, available on-line. It may boast of numerous scientific publications, which have gained recognition among experts.
The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (UWM)
The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (UWM) was established on 1 September 1999 through the merger of three higher education institutions operating in Olsztyn: the Academy of Agriculture and Technology, the Higher School of Pedagogy and the Warmian Theological Institute. The structure of the University comprises 15 faculties, the School of Public Health and the Ełk Branch, offering a total of 79 study programmes.

The UWM staff consists of 3,000 people, including about 1,800 academic teachers, of whom 700 are habilitated doctors and professors. The University is entitled to confer the academic degree of doctor and doctor habilitated in 37 scientific disciplines.
There are approximately 18,000 students at the University, who can use well-equipped laboratories, classrooms and lecture halls. Research shows that about 80% of graduates find employment after graduation and 8-9% become self-employed.
The flagship of the University of Warmia and Mazury is Kortowo – widely acknowledged as one of the most beautiful university campuses in Poland and one of the most beautiful in Europe. It covers 230 hectares and is situated amidst greenery, on two lakes. The oldest part of Kortowo reflects the end of the 19th century. Its typical red brick buildings, currently under the protection of the heritage preservation institution, have been meticulously restored. Today, the old walls house modern laboratories and lecture halls.
The new Kortowo is known for its distinctive University Library, the most modern and largest facility of its kind in the region, the Faculty of Humanities building with a theatre auditorium, and the Conference Centre – used not only as a venue for academic and business meetings and conferences, but also for concerts and exhibitions. The campus is also known for the “Kortosfera”, a centre for the promotion and dissemination of science.
The Student Parliament of the Republic of Poland has twice awarded the UWM the title of “Student-friendly university”, and the Kortowo campus received an award from the “National Geographic Traveler” monthly magazine in the “7 New Wonders of Poland” competition.
Małopolska Plant Breeding
The beginning of breeding activity of Małopolska Plant Breeding – dates back to the second half of the 19th century (1872), especially in case of cereals and fodder beetroot. Since 1994, the company is a limited liability company. Over recent years, the company has been implementing a plan of concentration of capital and breeding programs, within the framework of which is has acquired the Breeding and Seed Company in Lublin, Agricultural Plant Breeding Kobierzyce and Stallion Stud in Białka. The basic direction of the company’s activity is the cultivation of spring and winter cereals, maize, fodder beets, feed and lawn grasses, leguminous plants, as well as buck-wheat and mustard plants. In addition, the company has Holstein- Friesian dairy cattle farms, horses (there are mainly pure- bred arabian horses) and fish (cyprinus carpio).
The Małopolska Plant Breeding includes, among others, Department of Plant Breeding, Department of Plant Organization and Production, Department of Trade and Contracts, and Department of Animal Breeding and Production.
Department of Plant Breeding operates in five locations: Polanowice near Kraków (fodder beet, cereals, feed grass, mustard), Nieznanice near Częstochowa (lawn grass and leguminous plants, buckwheat), Mikulice near Przeworsk (Winter wheat, feed grass), Palikije near Lublin (conservative breeding of buckwheat) and Kobierzyce near Wroclaw (corn, Winter and Spring wheat). Plant Breeding Stations are equipped with modern laboratories and workshops (including: technological and in vitro workshops), greenhouses and specialist machines and equipment for field works and for processing seeds.
The company is the only breeder of mustard, buckwheat, lawn grass, di- and tetraploid red clover and fodder beet – multi-germ and mono-germ in Poland. Fodder beet seeds are one of the significant export products. We provide beet varieties with a high root yield, medium and high content of dry matter. They are resistant to premature bolting and diseases and suitable for cultivation in various climatic and soil conditions, with the possibility of applying modern cultivation technology. Breeding realized in the company manifests a steady progress, which translates into the number of newly developed varieties with improved production and utility value.
Thanks to the conducted breeding work, the Małopolska Plant Breeding may recommend the following custom varieties to the producers: winter and spring wheat, spring barley, oats, forage maize intended for grain and silage, sweetcorn, fodder beet, fodder carrot, feed grass (i.e. meadow fescue, timothy grass, smooth meadow – grass, annual ryegrass, westerwolths ryegrass), lawn grasses (i.e. red fescue, sheep’s fescue, perennial ryegrass, smooth meadow-grass, common bent), red clover, crimson clover, common sainfoin, common bird’s-foot trefoil, white mustard and buckwheat.